failure 198:

Serialization Failed
trace /var/opt/lsb/test/olver-core/2013-07-25_08-37-08/util_assert_errx_scenario.utz (util_assert_errx_scenario.utt), line 19609
scenario util_assert_errx_scenario
Stimuli & reactions in the serialization:
id and signature channel timestamp parameter
a) specification errx_spec( CallContext context, IntT eval, CString *fmt, List *arguments, CString *stderrAsFile ) 73  CallContext context = [pid=28137,thr=b7499700]
 IntT eval = 1
 CString * @fmt = %1$*1$d
 CString * fmt = %1$*1$d
 List * @arguments = < 7 >
 List * arguments = < 7 >
 CString * @stderrAsFile = /tmp/olver/util_assert_errx_scenario/stderrAsFile.txt
 CString * stderrAsFile = /tmp/olver/util_assert_errx_scenario/stderrAsFile.txt
b) reaction *err_processTerminated( void ) 73  result = (ExitReturnType *) struct ExitReturnType { name=errx, context=[pid=28137,thr=b7499700] }
# series coverage branch
1 1. errx_spec (a) C_Priority Process with high priority
2. err_processTerminated (b)    
Requirement failed: {errx.41} a formatted error message on the standard error stream
similar known bug(s)
The errx() function shall display a formatted error message on the standard error stream. According to LSB, the formatted error message, the last component of the program name, a colon character, a space and a newline character shall be output. But on the target machine colon character, and a space are not output after the formatted error message. Additional information about this bug may be found at